Katrine Saksgård Holdhus, E-commerce Manager at Skanem A/S – a company that offer modern labelling solutions – briefed me about their needs. Skanem was looking for a creative visual concept to be used for legend/header images on the new version of their site Skanem.com. The goal with the images were to get Skanem’s customers to understand that their product can look beautiful and fun. Skanem is obviously offering ‘product decoration’, but they wanted a visual solution that showed this without the usual cliché solutions. The solution needed to find the right balance between the familiar (i.e. the container) that the customers can relate to, and something new and exciting. Skanem wanted a “arty”, fun and creative solution for the images.
After a lot of research, inspiration gathering and mind mapping I started to sketch on a few design concepts. From the three concepts I presented to Skanem we chose one to work further on. After a few revisions, we landed in a creative concept that basically stood on four principles:
- A floating/levitating good-looking container for substance and depth.
- A trendy and fitting label for the container and product area.
- Hands and other parts to add a human touch.
- Surrounding playful elements (that also add even more depth).
The result is a unique creative concept. Besides art direction and graphic design, the project also included lettering and photography.
Thank you so much Björn for the final images. This was a tricky project that evolved during the process, but it was well worth the effort – the result is stunning. We can’t wait to put them in use on the new site!”
Katrine Saksgård Holdhus,
E-commerce Manager at Skanem A/S